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Orthopedics and Pain Management
Scoliosis Rehabilitation
Balance | Mobility | Fall Risk Reduction | Vestibular Rehab
Healthy Foot Program
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services
Neurological Rehabilitation
Osteoporosis Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Neuropathy Treatment Center
Parkinson's Place for Rehabilitation
Diabetes Rehab
Vestibular Rehab

Therapy & Health and Wellness Services We Provide

Physical Therapy –

Our physical therapists are experts in assessing and teaching patients how to prevent or manage their conditions so that they will achieve long-term health and wellness benefits. We evaluate each client and develop an individualized plan, using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent/treat disability.

Occupational Therapy –

Our Occupational Therapists treat injured, ill, or disabled patients through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. We help them develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily living based on clients' individual needs.


Additionally, Foundation Therapy Center offers:

The Comprehensive Neuropathy Treatment Center
The Parkinson's Place for Rehabilitation
Align, Restore, and Move Yoga™ – Yoga, Restorative Exercise, Yoga Hiking

Raising the Bars Yoga ~ The Stegman Method℠


Foundation Therapy Center Provides these Services and

Treatment for Health and Wellness

  (in alphabetical order):



Orthopedics and Pain Management

Do you suffer from aches and pains associated with low back pain, neck or shoulder pain, arthritis? Are you tired of spending another moment living in pain and suffering silently as the pain worsens? Look no further than Foundation Therapy Center. We are passionate about patient care, and our 10+ years proves it. Same-day appointments available: 770-673-0093

We effectively treat:
Low Back Pain/Neck Pain (Your Spine Specialists)
Shoulder Pain
Foot Pain (see just below)
Knee Pain
Carpel Tunnel/Bursitis/Tendonitis


Pediatric Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Healthy Foot Program -
Do you suffer from neuromas, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammer toes, runner's feet problems, and/or shin splints? Relief is here! Foundation Therapy Center's Beverly Stegman has completed all of the requirements of the Restorative Exercise Institute's Healthy Foot Program, earning certification as a Healthy Foot Practitioner™. The training Bev received involves a thorough education of foot mechanics, how foot function affects whole-body health, and the role of footwear on foot health and foot pain.


How can Beverly help you "FIX YOUR FEET" as a Healthy Foot Practitioner™?

• By addressing foot-health and footwear issues
• By providing a gentle exercise prescription
• Giving a proper understanding of how habits of posture and alignment affect organ and system function
• Educating you on how to modify habits that may be contributing to your foot issues

Speaking of feet .... check out our Ionic Detox Foot Baths.

Scoliosis Rehabilitation -

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with scoliosis? Do you suffer from back pain likely related to your scoliosis? Do you feel your curve may be progressing? Are you on the "watch and wait" plan, surgery if curve worsens? Scoliosis rehabilitation has successfully been utilized in Europe since 1864, and surgical correction of scoliosis is rare in Europe. Foundation Therapy Center offers a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to scoliosis treatment, including yoga for medical conditions. Goals of scoliosis treatment include preventing curve progression, managing pain, improving abnormal movement patterns and posture, improving lung function, preventing surgery, and improving body image. Physical and occupational therapists apply principles of the Schroth Method utilized in Europe to develop an individualized protocol to address your specific curve patterns and issues. Foundation Therapy works closely with your physician during the rehabilitation process. Call Foundation Therapy Center to schedule a complimentary scoliosis consultation.

Yoga for Scoliosis -
Yoga for scoliosis can improve posture, reduce pain, prevent curve progression, improve lung function, increase self-awareness and improve body image. Bev Stegman is a renowned and gifted teacher was the first and now only one of a few certified Yoga for Scoliosis trainers in Georgia. Private sessions and package deals available; see 
Health and Wellness Packages.




Balance | Mobility | Fall Risk Reduction | Vestibular Rehabilitation -
Have you or a loved one had a fall? Are you fearful of falling? Do you hold furniture or walls while walking? Do you suffer from dizziness? Falls can be devastating; falls can be deadly. Take action before you suffer injury-proven protocols to reduce fall risk and maintain independence! Call Foundation Therapy Center for free balance and fall risk testing.  Have vertigo or other vestibular issues? FTC also offers Vestibular Rehabilitation for Dizziness.



Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services -

Do you have COPD? Asthma? Lung Disease? Emphysema? Do you suffer from Shortness of Breath? Are you unable to do what you want to do? Suffer no more. Proven life altering outcomes with our protocols covered by most insurance. Call Foundation Therapy Center today for a pulmonary rehab consultation.



Neurological Rehabilitation -

Do you have Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, or another neurological diagnosis? Have you had a stroke? You can improve with physical and occupational therapy services. Covered by insurance. Don't continue to decline; call Foundation Therapy Center for evaluation and consultation. If you have foot neuropathy, Beverly Stegman can help. She has completed all of the requirements of the Restorative Exercise Institute's Healthy Foot Program, and has received certification as a Healthy Foot Practitioner.™  FTC is proud to also offer The Comprehensive Neuropathy Treatment Center, a ground-breaking, multidisciplinary, natural approach to neuropathy treatment. 

The Comprehensive Neuropathy Treatment Center -

If you suffer from neuropathy. FTC is proud to offer this ground-breaking, multidisciplinary, natural approach to neuropathy treatment.

Goals and Proven Results of Our Specialized Protocols:

• Decrease Pain
• Increase Sensation
• Improve Circulation
• Restore Balance
• Improve Mobility
• Increase Strength
• Improve Range of Motion
• Decreased Risk of Falls


Our Specialized Protocols Make Available:

• Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment by a licensed Physical Therapist
• Reflexology with use of therapeutic grade, essential oils
• Complimentary Screenings, Clinics, & Lectures/ /Demonstrations
• Trigger Point Dry Needling
• Neurological Rehabilitation
• Pain Management Treatment
• Orthopedic Therapy
• Yoga for Medical Conditions and Overall Health and Wellness


If you suffer from the painful symptoms of neuropathy, have not found relief from other treatment, and/or do not want the potential side effects of medication, call today to schedule an evaluation to see if you are a candidate for our neuropathy treatment protocol.



The Parkinson's Place for Rehabilitation -

Using protocols developed by Margie Schulte, PT, NDT, a certified Neurological Physical Therapist, FTC is pleased to offer this ground-breaking, multidisciplinary, natural approach to Parkinson's treatment.


Goals and Proven Results of Our Specialized Protocols:

• Decreased Pain & Fatigue
• Improved Independence & Quality of Life
• Improved Balance & Coordination
• Improved Mobility & Function
• Improved Strength & Gait
• Improved Range of Motion
• Decreased Risk of Falls

Our Specialized Protocols Make Available:

• Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment by a licensed Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist
• Complimentary Screenings, Clinics, Lectures, and Demonstrations
• Trigger Point Dry Needling
• Neurological Rehabilitation
• Pain Management Treatment
• Yoga for Medical Conditions and Overall Health and Wellness


Call today to schedule an evaluation to see if you are a candidate for The Parkinson's Place for Rehabilitation. Most services are covered by insurance.

Osteoporosis Rehabilitation -

Have you been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis? Specific exercise protocols can improve bone density, reduce risk for fractures and injury. Insurance coverage available. The sooner you start, the better.


Yoga for Medical Conditions

Yoga Classes for Health and Wellness


Diabetes Rehabilitation -

Are you diabetic? Are you overweight? Do you suffer from neuropathy? Joint pain or other pain issues? Not sure how to exercise safely or without pain? Most insurance plans cover these valuable services. 


Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD/TMJ)

Symptoms of TMD: Jaw Pain, Jaw Fatigue, Difficulty Opening Mouth, Difficulty Chewing, Difficulty Talking, Ringing in Ear/s, Ear Pain, Neck Pain, Dizziness, Popping Jaw, Headache, Ear Popping, Jaw Locking. Physical Therapy Can Help! Your physical therapist can help restore the natural movement of your jaw and decrease your pain. Treatments used by physical therapists for TMD may include: pain management techniques, posture realignment/education, neuromuscular techniques for proper jaw movement, therapeutic exercise for strengthening the jaw, and manual interventions to restore jaw range of motion. Suffer no more! Call 770-673-0093 for a complimentary consultation or to schedule an evaluation-covered by insurance.


Vestibular Rehabilitation

Do you or a loved one suffer from dizziness or vertigo? Have you been diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis, Ménière's disease, secondary endolymphatic hydrops, or migraine associated vertigo? Our certified vestibular rehabilitation specialist can help. Call today for evaluation: (770) 673-0093. Covered by insurance.


Trigger Point Dry Needling

Essential Oils Therapy

Ionic Detox Foot Baths

Align, Restore, and Move Yoga™ – Yoga, Restorative Exercise, Yoga Hiking

Raising the Bars Yoga ~ The Stegman Method℠

Weight Loss Exercise
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